Timetable_art & culture_class | Registration Form | ECCS Calendar 2019
13 May 2019
Dear Parents,
Please be advised that the registration form for next academic year 2019/20 is now available. If you intend to have your child to continue the language classes and/or art and cultural classes, please complete a registration form as soon as possible.
In anticipation of the substantially reduced sponsorship from the City of Edinburgh Council for some of language classes, we need to increase fees by £30 for each class in the next academic year to ensure the continued provision of good quality teaching for the children. Details of the new school fees are as follows:
– Language Course – £130* (other than Exam Class and Exam Preparation Class)
– Exam Class / Exam Preparation Class – £150*
– Children Art & Culture Course – £90 (each class)
– Chinese Classic Reading – £60 (each class)
– Adult Art & Culture Course – £150 for each Guzheng or Erhu Class and £90 for each Taichi Class
Note * subject to £20 additional charge for registration after 1 Sep 2019. Each sibling is entitled to£10 discount for all language class
Please note the end of term celebration performance will be held on 22 June 2019 at 12.30pm. If your child would like to perform on the day, please let the respective class teacher, Tammy Wong or Chiumei Lau know by 8 June 2019.
There will be a tea party after the performance on 22 June 2019 with drinks and snacks provided by the School but we also welcome parents and students to bring some home barking for sharing. Hope you can join the tea party to meet other parents, class teachers and the school management team.
Finally, the Chinese Community in Edinburgh will participate in the eighth Edinburgh Festival Carnival on 14 July 2019. This is an opportunity for you and your child to participate in the Carnival Parade. A professional dancer will come to school to teach few simple dance steps for parade purposes at around 11.30am in next few weeks. We expect there will be no more than 3 or 4 sessions. Colourful dance costume will be provided to each participant. Please let Tammy Wong or Chiumet Lau know if you and/or your child would like to participate the Festival parade.
The Edinburgh Chinese Community School
大家好,感谢大家对爱侨一如既往的支持和奉献,2019/20 学年的学生注册表已经上架,友情提醒各位喜欢和支持爱侨的朋友们,如果有需要給孩子们预定新学年的语言,文化和艺术课程,请尽快填写注册表申请。
- 普通语言课程 – 130 英镑*(考试班和考试预备班除外)
- 考试/考试预备班 – 150 英镑*
- 儿童美术与汉文化课程 – 90 英镑(每班)
- 中国经典阅读 – 60 英镑(每班)
- 古筝/二胡班 – 150 英镑
- 太极班 – 90 英镑
(*所有课程在2019 年9 月1 日之后注册需要额外支付20 英镑的注册费用。已有学员家属可以享受所有语言课程的10 英镑折扣)
本学期的结束的庆祝活动将于2019 年6 月22 日中午12:30 举行。希望家长们鼓励孩子多多参与,这对孩子的社交和自信培养都是很好的一个机会。如果您的孩子想参加当天的表演,请在2019 年6 月8 日之前告知相应的班主任, 校董会秘书黃雅晴或副校长刘肖媚。
最后,爱丁堡华人社区作为每年爱丁堡嘉年华游行的主力,今年也不例外。兹定于2019年7 月14 日参加第八届爱丁堡节日嘉年华。欢迎各界朋友们,一起共襄盛举。我们将聘请专业舞蹈老师,給参与的朋友们进行学习排练辅导。暂定未来几周的上午11 点30 分左右来学校进行简单的舞步学习。预计排练周期不超过3 至4 个星期。同时学校也将为每位参与者提供色彩艳丽的舞蹈服装。如果您和/或您的孩子想参加节日游行,请告知校董会秘书黃雅晴或副校长刘肖媚。
2019 年5 月13 日
Timetable_art & culture_class | Registration Form | ECCS Calendar 2019| 2019-第17届朗读比赛苏格兰地区通知(中文English)